Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rhetorical analysis - draft 2

The Distortion of Beauty

The intended audience for this video are the people, specifically women, that fall under the influence of Society's insane standard of beauty and even young girls who have not yet been effected by it. It also serves to target the parents of young girls to warm them against society's influence on their children's self worth and perception of beauty.  The purpose of this video is to make the audience aware of the outrageous standard of beauty that society and the media hold women in this era accountable to and the realistic consequences that stem from the pressure to conform to what society views as beautiful. A waif figure , perfect jaw line, big eyes, smaller facial features and long hair are what have been deemed 'beautiful' by the medias standards. Things like photo shopping advertisements and billboards, retouching pictures of models in EVERY magazine, and starved movie stars that people idolize have painted an unrealistic definition of what is considered to be 'beautiful' for the women of modern america. The video focuses on the harsh reality of what people, young and old, will go through to conform to society's standards of 'Beauty'. Anorexia, Bulimia, yo-yo dieting, plastic surgery and even suicide are highlighted as some of the consequences this pressure will cause people, specifically women, to do. This persuasive video defiantly captures the audiences attention and draws them in by touching on the topic every woman in America has dealt with - living up to distorted standard of 'beauty' Society and the media has painted out for us. Thoughts of struggling to fit in, obsessing over weight, having a perfect complexion, eye color and smile are the reality of what women have been burdened with since the turn of the twenty first century. This video is put together in a way that targets a woman's vulnerability and heightens the pathos of the audience.  Every woman knows the feeling of having to live up to the unrealistic expectation of beauty that photo-shopped and starved super models have set for us and along with pathos, this video has just the right amount of kairos which together tie the audience in and keeps their attention.