Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tension Paragraph

My Palms Suddenly became sweaty. My face got so hot, i knew they could see the red in my cheeks. I knew the moment was approaching, will i have enough courage to ask? Am i ready to face the rejection if things don't go the way i planned? I was told this would be a possibility and from the very beginning I almost expected my attempt to fail. But now, in real time, the anticipation is overwhelming. I looked into my customers eyes, trying to decode their thoughts. The presentation was over, now it was time to ask for the sale - did they like my product? Did i sell them on it? ...The side of my uncles mouth twitched up. He smiled. I knew this was it, the moment of truth. I opened my mouth to speak and in their eyes i knew they saw the question coming - "So do you want to go ahead and try that out today?" Nodding my head and sitting in silence waiting for their response, i thought back to my last day of training. My manager said " The first one to speaks looses." She said it would be akaward sitting in silence awaiting an answer, but this was almost unbearable! Thirty seconds passed and it felt like time was moving through molasses!The ticking of the clock was distracting, almost mocking me as the seconds of silence turned into minutes - i almost lost my eye contact -  i cleared my throat - They looked up, " Yea lets do it" - and instantly an almost childish smile was glued onto my face.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy this tension paragraph! I think adding more tension as the story progresses will clearly help. You clearly need to write more--one thing to consider is how your story builds a theme for the readers. What is your purpose for telling this story?
